Our Partners

Career Connectors
Career Connectors is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to connecting professionals in career transition to hiring companies and quality resources. We are primarily event driven; connecting people and resources at events. We bring in professional career speakers to deliver content that is relevant and actionable to current professionals. We also typically bring in three to four hiring companies per event. You will hear them speak and then get one on one face time to talk about their company, culture and open positions. The last hour is dedicated to providing you services and networking time to talk directly to the speakers. Free professional services include resume review/critique, business portraits, social media, LinkedIn coaching and educational opportunities.

Fighter Country Partnership
Fighter Country Foundation (FCF) is a 501(c) (3), not-for-profit corporation focused on the supporting programs and services at Luke that aid, support and honor Airmen and their families in need.
Established in 2006, FCF has made a significant impact on the lives of servicemen and women stationed at Luke. We also support Luke Airmen currently deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world.
We also support the families of any Luke Airmen killed in the line of duty and are proud to have raised more than a million dollars for this effort to date.
Annually, FCF supports programs on Base that ease and comfort these fine men, women and families as they serve our country.

GMFTZ (Greater Maricopa Foreign Trade Zone)
The U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ or Zone) program was created by the FTZ Act of 1934, in order to “expedite and encourage foreign commerce” in the United States. By definition, an FTZ is a government-designated site where foreign and domestic materials remain in a kind of international commerce limbo. While the goods remain in the Zone, the materials may be stored, manipulated, mixed with domestic and/or foreign materials, used in assembly or manufacturing processes, or exhibited for sale without triggering the payment of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) duties and excise taxes.
Imports may flow directly into the Zone and be held there indefinitely duty free. Duty is assessed only when those goods are shipped out of the Zone and into the United States marketplace. However the most important new benefits are those that result in supply chain efficiencies and velocity improvement, while cutting costs from the Supply Chain. In Arizona, and within no other state, there is a tax benefit tied to the real estate and property taxes that all real property, machinery and equipment pays in Arizona. The FTZ “re-classification” under Arizona State Law allows for any property in a Zone that is both approved and activated, to be re-classified down from 18% valuation to 5% valuation (this is a 75% reduction in taxable value). Therefore, Zone users, tenants, owners, and Zone Operators who locate inside an approved FTZ site, and activate the site, receive a discount on their taxes of 75% annually. This savings is approximately $0.84 per foot (annual) savings over a competing building, all other things being equal!

Leadership West
Leadership West exists, first and foremost, so that community members can take action to make the West Valley a better place to work, live and play. Its triad of private, public and non-profit leaders collaborates with safe communities, lifelong learning, economic development and a vibrant quality of life.
Leadership West recruits leaders and educates them about issues that affect the West Valley. The education is diverse, ongoing and wide-ranging, covering issues from transportation to quality of life to better neighborhoods. Each issue is intertwined and often transcends a single community. Leadership West creates and fosters regional approaches to opportunities and challenges facing the West Valley. Issues are critically linked and require cooperative strategies and actions.The U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ or Zone) program was created by the FTZ Act of 1934, in order to “expedite and encourage foreign commerce” in the United States. By definition, an FTZ is a government-designated site where foreign and domestic materials remain in a kind of international commerce limbo. While the goods remain in the Zone, the materials may be stored, manipulated, mixed with domestic and/or foreign materials, used in assembly or manufacturing processes, or exhibited for sale without triggering the payment of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) duties and excise taxes.

Lower Gila River Collaborative
A voluntary partnership to restore the lower Gila River ecosystem while encouraging stewardship, recreation, and compatible development.

West Valley Mavericks
The West Valley Mavericks Foundation was born of the imagination and vision of a group of community leaders late in 2012. The West Valley Mavericks (or just ‘Mavericks’) is a social club led by gentlemen who believe that the West Valley is an incredible place to live, work, play and support. The Mavericks’ charter is to advance charity, culture, community, and commerce in the west valley of Phoenix. The group’s membership hails from a diverse set of trades and professions and includes all manner of backgrounds and philosophies.
The Mavericks mission is to enhance the communities in the West Valley. This is accomplished by advancing “charity”, “community”, “culture”, & “commerce” in the West Valley also known as a Maverick’s four “C’s”.

Pipeline AZ (West Valley Jobs)
The West Valley’s regional workforce implementation strategy was developed in partnership with government, education and business leaders to identify, quantify and grow the existing diverse and skilled workforce while fortifying the future required pipeline in target industry sectors. Recruiting made easy. Your jobs are automatically matched and pushed to the candidates that fit your requirements. The platform even provides candidate management tools to make it easier for employers, of all sizes, to connect with the right candidates. Get matched with up-to-date jobs from businesses looking to hire now. Find education and training resources to build skills toward your next opportunity with programs and certifications for high-demand careers.

School Connect
Every child should have someone to help them unlock their potential. Sadly, many children face a tidal wave of obstacles and are disconnected from those with the power to help. Poverty, hunger, illiteracy and fragmented families isolate children, cutting them off from their vibrant futures. In the face of this challenge, what can we do? It’s time to stand together.
Join School Connect to team up with local heroes who are making a difference at their local school! Together we can bridge the gap; together we can empower the children in our communities!

West Valley Arts Council
The West Valley Arts Council (WVAC) enriches the West Valley by growing a vibrant and connected arts and cultural community.
WVAC was incorporated as the Cultural Arts Society West in 1969, and changed its name to the West Valley Fine Arts Council in 1989 to reflect a broader, more inclusive vision. It became the West Valley Arts Council in 2004. WVAC has been central to creating what is recognized as a “high quality of life” for West Valley residents, and is the only multi-disciplinary arts organization of its type and scope in the Valley.

West Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance
The West Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance provides coordination of shared programs and benefits to advance the common business interests of the Buckeye Valley, Glendale, Southwest Valley, Surprise Regional, and Wickenburg Chambers of Commerce. The Alliance also serves as the public policy advocacy body on issues that impact the business and economic climate of the areas served by the participating Chambers of Commerce.
The Arizona Technology Council works to connect and empower technology companies across the state of Arizona through engaging events, public policy advocacy and a variety of member perks.